The aim of the present project is to create a Turkish Child Literature Corpus (TCLC). Via this corpus, the aims are to determine the primary expression existence; to analyze the levels of age and readability of child literature works; to identify the lexical areas of child literature sample, and to classify the properties of morphemic, lexeme and syntactic categories. Under the perspective of these aims, the following questions are going to be answered with this project:
With the help of the research questions outlined above, Turkish Child Literature’s expression existence is going to be handled in terms of language teaching priorities. Therefore, the similarities and the differences between literature types’ expression existence are going to be identified. Furthermore, Turkish Child Literature’s differences with general language are going to be presented for the researchers when compared with the reference corpora (, (, (
Today, the studies, like the present study, have not been conducted yet in order to identify the readability levels of the Turkish books among Turkish Child Literature products. The readability of one book is a fundamental part of identifying its appropriateness for ages. According to scientific criteria, we can encounter with studies conducted on Western countries which show the books for different ages. However, the same identification has not been done in our country. Thus, identification of appropriateness to age composes the first important step for developing literate people. In that sense, the project will contribute to literature.
The identification of the variety of words is important since it can create a list of related words to be used for child literature texts. For instance, the identification of the words’ variety can present where and how the word should be used. The most common applications on this topic are concurrence and collocation. Besides, the same words’ concept maps are going to be shown in order to create proposal lists for text creators. The researchers and the applicators may use these lists created via scientific techniques.
So far, unlike general language, there has been limited studies on morphemic, semantics or syntactic studies. In terms of these aspects, a general overview on Turkish Child Literature is going to be presented. Hence, the study’s authenticity also increases.
On the other hand, Turkish Child Literature’s internal and external structural properties haven’t also been considered as a research topic. For instance, the external textual parts (style quality, cover), the properties of visuals (the number and type of visuals, the textual property of the visual, the harmony between contents and visuals, the visual-textual order), the preparation of visuals (graphic designer), the properties of line (the number and the length of lines in pages) are evaluated. Hence, a topography of Turkish Child Literature is going to be presented to contribute to the identification of standards.
As a consequence of all these things, the products of Turkish Child Literature are going to be identified on the following areas;
Last but not least, with the developed testing tools, morphemic, lexeme and syntactic properties will contribute to the readibility level’s identification.